En la web internacional de Ecoescuelas se ha publicado una experiencia del IES La Madraza: el día de los residuos celebrado el pasado mes de abril. La publicación se ha hecho en inglés para hacerla más accesible a centros escolares de muchos países. El enlace anterior también permite acceder a las experiencias de otros centros participantes en la campaña Litter Less.
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On 15 April 2016, this Secondary School organized a Community Action Day focused on litter with many activities, involving students and with the support of families.
All the students signed the Eco-Code as a sign of commitment with sustainability and it was displayed in all the classrooms. This Eco-Code was developed months ago with the work of the different classes and the Eco Committee, and its final design was made by a father of a student.
The CAD started with a healthy and ecological breakfast made of fruits, and the organic waste was composted. One of the main points was a teatral play prepared by students about the environmental problems our planet is facing and the need to take care of the planet.
In this framework, students also participated in differents workshops and activities, such as:
• Creation of short advertisements to raise awareness about 3R
• Making lamps reusing packagings
• Making a big mosaic about 3R reusing bottle caps
• Building a vertical garden reusing bottles.
• Making different insects with reused materials.
• Gymkhana with different activities related with 3R.
In the end, they made a video as a summary of the activities developed during the day.