El alumnado de 1º ESO B ha organizado una venta benéfica de camisetas con el logotipo de La Madraza. Los beneficios se destinan a la construcción de un pozo de agua potable en una escuela de Ghana a través de la ONG Ryan’s Well Foundation (ver proyecto). Hay camisetas de colores y tallas variadas y se pueden adquirir por 5 euros en el tenderete que se organiza en el Porche de la Tolerancia durante los recreos. Compra tu camiseta: un bonito recuerdo de tu Instituto y un gesto solidario.
Reproducimos a continuación la carta recibida de Ryan’s Well Foundation y el certificado de haber recibido la donación:
Thank you so much for participating in this year’s School Challenge!
Ryan’s Well Foundation, with the help of our partner, DONA (Dawn of a New Age), will work in Southwest Ghana during the 2020-2021 year to provide both schools with a deep well (borehole) each, handwashing stations, WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) training, and pump mechanic and committee training. With this training, not only will these schools have clean water, but they will be able to repair their water source themselves, so they will have clean water and sanitation for years to come! Providing clean water and sanitation to the community would not only improve their health and save lives, but would help to draw more qualified teachers to the area, leading to a better education, and more opportunities.
Your support is helping to make this happen – so thank you!
Attached is your Certificate of Appreciation for you to print and display so others can see the difference you are helping to make. If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us – we are happy to try and help you. We also remind you to visit our website often to read information posted about this project. (https://www.ryanswell.ca/scho
Take care and stay safe!
Connie Jensen
Ryan’s Well Foundation
Stay safe and wash your hands!