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Jupiter1. SOLAR SYSTEM. (Picture of the planets).
  • Learning to describe planets.
  • The Sun lights and heats our world.
  • Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun. It's a tiny planet and its surface is covered in impact craters
  • Venus is the twin Earth planet. It's very hot because of its dense atmosphere.
  • Mars is  a red planet and it's colder than the Earth.Saturno
  • Asteroids are rocky bodies orbiting the Sun. Many of them are between Mars and Jupiter forming the asteroid belt.
  • Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It has a spectacular appearance with bands of different colours.
  • Saturn is famous because of its rings.  Rings are made up of dust, ice and rock.
  • Uranus and Neptune are similar in size and composition. Uranus is the only planet that spins on its side.
  • Pluto is a small and very unknown planet. Maybe an old satellite of Neptunus.
  • Comets  are rocky fragments orbiting the Sun on a very long trajectory.They show a long tail when they're near the Sun. A comet looks like this...      


The Earth moves in two different ways: rotation and traslation. Rotation consists of the Earth turning on its axis; the Earth takes 24 hours to complete a full circle.  Revolution consists in the Earth's revolving around the Sun; it takes 365,25 days to complete the full journey.


The movement of the Earth and moon with respect to the Sun causes lunar phases and lunar eclipses.
Explain what you see on these animations.


Actividades JClic Sistema Solar 1.
Actividades JClic Sistema Solar 2

Actividades JClic Sistema Solar 3.

Ciencia divertida.
Astronomy and space.

Author: Pablo Acosta Robles