Fill in the blanks with the appropiate words
Made by Pablo Acosta Robles

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints.

   Asteroids      Comets      eclipse      full moon      Jupiter      Mars      Mercury      moon      new moon      Planets      Pluto      revolution      Rotation      satellite      Saturn      seasons      Solar system      Stars      Sun      Venus   

1.The movement of the Earth around the Sun is .
2. is the group formed by the Sun and the nine planets.
3. is the biggest planet in the solar system.
4.It's midday and a shadow covers the Sun and it disappears. It's an .
5.A is a body that turns around a planet.
6. is the closest planet to the Sun.
7.Winter, spring, summer and autumn are .
8. orbit around the Sun.
9. takes 24 hours.
10.The lights and heats the Earth.
11. is often calle the red planet.
12. orbit the Sun on a very large trajectory and often they show a tail.
13.When the moon is a completely illuminated circle it's called .
14. is a famous planet because of its rings.
15.The moves around the Earth.
16. belt is a group of rocky bodies between Mars and Jupiter.
17. are little points of light you can see at night.
18. is a small planet but it's very far from the Sun.
19.If you can't see the moon becuase the illuminated face is on the other side, that is .
20. is a planet between the Earth and Mercury.