1º ESO |
-Activity book. -Internet (website of this subject). -Microscopes to observe cells. -Water from ponds. -Comic about bacteria. -Educational films about protozoa. -Stereomicroscope to observe moulds, mosses, ferns and flowers. -Leaves and flowers collection. -Pinsapar of Grazalema/Bothanical garden |
Content teacher |
Pablo Acosta Robles |
English teacher |
Josefina Herrera Cides and Mª Carmen Chilla Castro |
Language assistant |
Lorna Geddie and Eleonora Scheltus |
English |
-Use the verbs belong and include to express the group a species belong to. Answer the question “Which one is the odd one out?” -Compare living beings using similar to, different from, to have something in common... -Answer questions about the function of a plant organs. For instance, what is the flower for? It’s for resproduction. -Use these words properly: autotrophic, bush, cell, classify, eucaryotic, feed, female, fern, fertilization, flowering plant, fruit, fungus, fungi, grass, heterotrophic, kingdom, leaf, leaves, living beings, male, moss, mould, microscope, mushroom, photosynthesis, pluricellular, pollination, procaryotic, root, seed, species, stamen, stem, tiny, unicellular. |
Content |
-Compare autotrophic and heterotrophic beings. -Explain the meaning of the following words: unicellular, pluricellular, eucaryotic, procaryotic, tissue, bacteria, protozoo, mushroom, autóctono, endemismo. -Recognise the parts of a microscope. -Handle a microscope. -Calculate how much does your mycroscope increase an object. -Write down and draw carefully what you see using a microscope. -List the five kingdoms and their characteristic. -List the classification categories from species to kingdom. -Explain what a species is and how they are named scientifically. -Explain the origin of pinsapo. -Talk about benefits and damages caused by bacteria. -Explain the three main types of fungi. -Explain how a fungus feed. -List the four groups inside the plant kingdom and explaing the differences among them. -Explain what photosynthesis is. -Recognise the main trees and bushes in our region. -Recognise the parts of a flower. -Explain how pollination, fertilization and dispersal take place.
-Reading, questions and exercises from the Activity Book. -Learning to use the microscope. -Looking at cells (protozoo, algae and onion) using the microscope. -Looking for scientific names on the Internet. -Working as a scientist from the Natural History Museum in the Mission Explore website. -Dicussing about bacteria: useful, useless or harmful? -Looking at moulds, mosses, ferns and flowers using the stereomicroscope. -Completing comparative table. -Visiting the Pinsapar to learn about the main plants in our area and to learn the origin of Abies pinsapo. -Looking into some flowers in the laboratory. -Making
a leaves collection. |
Concepts |
-Basic concepts. -The microscope. -The five kingdoms. -Classification into smaller groups. -The plant kingdom. -Nutrition in plants. -Plant reproduction. |
Procedures |
-Handle microscopes and stereomicroscopes. -Looking into tiny objects and write down your observations. -Extract information from charts and graphics. -Compare different living beings. |
Attitudes |
-Value objectivity and accuracy. -Be interested to understand the microscopic world. -Recognise the importance of tiny living beings. -Demonstrate respect for any living being. -Enjoy the beautiness of plants. |
-Activity book including lab-sheets. -Field notebook with information from El Pinsapar. -Written tests. -Leaves collection. -Homework. |
Visit |