1ºESO SCIENCE: 9th October, 2007
Take shorter showers. Shorten
a 10 minutes shower to 5 minutes and save 100 litres of water!
Fill it up. Fill up the
dishwasher… running it only half full wastes water.
Just to rinse. Don’t run the
water while you brush your teeth… just to rinse the brush and clean
the sink!
Fill it up again! Use the
correct settings on the washing machine…partial loads waste water,
energy and money!
Stop the drop! Found a leaky
faucet around the house? Tell the parent so it can get fixed! Leaks
waste water.h half hour.
Learn to share! Have fun in
the sprinkler if it on for watering the lawn. Water “toys” can
waste up to 1000 litres each half hour.