Back to whales animation

(Text of the anim
ation from Greenpeace)

This is the humpback whale.
These whales have their name because of their hump.
It is easily spotted when diving.
This whales can be very inquisitive.
They can grow to 15 metres in length.

This is an orca whale, also known as a killer whale.
They are very clever hunters. They hunt in large groups.
They use complex whistles and calls to cacth their preys.
These whales can grow to 10 metres in length.
That is more than three times  the size of this orca here.

The sperm whale. This is a large whale that grows to 18 metres.
Hundred of sperm whales may travel together on the surface of the water.
They usually dive very deep, up to 3 km down, to feed on squid and fish.

The blue whale.
These whales are the largest mammals on Eearth. They can grow to 33 metres.
These whales are still endangered, after decades of hunting by humans.

The minke whale.
This is a small whale that grows to 10 metres.
This whale is still killed today by Japanese and Norwegian whalers.
There  is an international ban on killing ALL whales.

  1. Write the names of the whales on the animation.
  2. How long is a humpback whale?
  3. How do whales communicate each other?
  4. Which whale dives very deep? What is it looking for?
  5. Which whale is the largest one?
  6. Are whales peaceful or aggressive animals?
  7. What is a whaler?
  8. Which countries don't respect the ban on killing whales?