Geocentrismo. Explanation about
the old idea that the Earth was flat. People
imagined a great fall at the end of the sea although Greek wises said
the Earth was round more than 2000 year ago. They based on the
round shade that the Earth projects during the eclipses. Point out the
importance of Columbus and other sailors to demonstrate the Earth
Explanation about the old idea that the Sun turned around the Earth.
You can ask for two volunteers. They will be actors or actresses: one
will be the Sun and the other one will be the Earth. They will do
whatever the teacher says (practising
the imperative: walk move around, revolve, slowly,
faster...). Much time later people admited that the Earth turns
around the Sun. They wanted to kill Copernico because of that idea.
Actors make the Earth turn
around the Sun. You can remember that this movement takes 365 days, a
Rotation and revolution. You can ask actors to perform the movement of
rotation and revolution at the same time. You can ask
when it is night or day.
movement of the Moon. You ask for a new actor/actres who will perform
the movement of the Moon around the Earth. Tell them that the Moon
takes 29,5 days to complete its revolution. You can point out when it
is full moon, new moon. Perhaps you can talk about waxing moon
and wanning moon.
on the Moon-student can sit down and you can call new students to
perform Mercury and Venus. They represent revolution taken into account
that they move quickier than the Earth (88 days for Mercury and 224 for
Venus). These
planets reflect the light of the Sun and they can be seen from the
Earth, like the Moon, but they look like stars because they are very
far. Try to show a situation in which a planet can be seen from the
Earth. It is easier to see Venus than Mercury; Mercury is near
the Sun and the light of this one doesn't allow to see the planet.
We'll do the same with the other planets knowing that they move very
slow: Jupiter takes 11 year to complete a revolution, Saturn 29 years,
Uranus 84 years, Neptune 164 years and Pluto 274 years.