We still can find ordinal numbers in our months. Where? (September is like “séptimo”, October is “octavo, November is “noveno” and December is “décimo”)
Questions about the fifth paragraph:
Questions about the sixth paragraph:
do we need leap years? (Because a solar year is almost a quarter day
longer than a calendar year. So we have to add a extra day periodically
in order to compesate this difference)
When does the last leap year occur? (Last year, in 2004.)
Which of the following years are leap years according with the Gregorian calendar? 1913 (No), 448 (Yes), 168 (No), 2004 (Yes), 2015 (No), 2018 (No), 2012 (Yes), 2100 (No), 2200 (No), 2300 (No), 2400 (Yes). (A number is multiple of four if its two last numbers are four o mutiple of four).
Finally, after proposing a new
calendar that solves some old problems, you can ask: