Read a paragraph about Solar
System and answer:
- What is Solar Systema made
up? (Sun, planets, satellites, comets and other bodies)
- How many planets are there?
How do they move?
- How old is Solar System?
a paragraph about asteroids
and answer these questions:
- What is an asteroid? (A bit
of rock moving in the sky)
- Where are most of asteroids
in the Solar System? (Between Mars and Jupiter)
- How many asteroids are there
inside the asteroids belt? (40.000)
- What is Ceres?
(An asteroid as big as State of Texas)
- Explicación del
profesor sobre los meteoritos.
about meteorites
and answer these questions:
- What is a meteorite? (A bit
of rock falling down into the Earth)
- Where are they from? (Many
of them come from asteroids belt)
- What is a falling star?
(It's not really a star but a meterite coming into our atmosphere and
producing light and heat. They can be as small as a sand grain).
- What produces a meteorite?
(An impact crater)