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We are going to separate a mixture of water and sand using a method called filtration. You need a precipitation beaker, another receptacle for the mixture of water and sand, a funnel and some filter paper:

  1. Put the funnel into the precipitation beaker and then put the filter paper into the funnel.

  2. Pour the mixture into the filter paper.

  3. Remove the sand in the filter paper.


We are going to separate a heterogeneous mixture of two liquids, water and oil:

  1. Leave the mixture to rest until the particles of the liquid with the least density (oil) settle on top of the particles with the highest density (water).

  2. Use a spoon or a syringe to separate the liquid that is on the top of the beaker.

  3. To completely separate the two liquids you can use other laboratory apparatus.

  1. We are going to separate a heterogeneous mixture of sand and iron particles using a magnet. If you uses a sheet of paper will help you to separate iron particles from the magnete.

  2. After that you can weigh the mixture and then the sand without iron. Which is the iron sand percent in the mixture?

Your teacher will show you other experiments. Write about them and make a drawing of the experimental devices.